My First Hair"cut"
On the way to my very first haircut

I fell asleep...

so instead on a good "before"'s one of my curls as I slept...

My cut started with getting sprayed and combed...

pretty easy since Momma washed my hair earlier that morning...

but in order to cut my hair...

I had to wake up...

I wasn't too happy about that idea...

sometimes I was distracted...

others not so much...

I didn't like the scissors very much...


instead of a real haircut

it became a trim...

so I still have a little curl...

After it was over I got to trade in a piece of my cut hair for a prize at the Magic Box...

my prize was a duck!

so I was happy...

I'd come back for the Magic Box, but I'm not too sure about getting a haircut if it involved scissors!
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