Road Trip...

Momma & I took a road trip down to see Grandma & Grandpa...and surprise Grandma & Grandad...

I wasn't very good Momma had to pull over to fix my canopy because I pulled it down.

Here's the ice cream store we topped at in Mystic because I was crabby...

I fell asleep soon after that, so I don't remember the rest of the ride. I know Momma made up some of the time we lost...which was good since I kept making her stop so it was taking twice as long to get there.

But we eventually got there...

and I had all kinds of new toys to play with.

What fun!

Then I played in the hot tub!

It was nice and warm, but not too hot...

I was happy getting my feet wet...

or sitting on the side...

watching the bubbles...

and splashing...

but Grandma pulled me in...

I didn't even have time to put my bathing suit on!

But I still had fun!

Monday night Momma's Aunt Linda, Uncle WiIliam & cousin Mia came over...but the camera was upstairs. Tuesday morning we visited Grandpas work crew & the family Dr...and went shopping at the baby store...but left the camera behind.

Tuesday night we surprised Grandma & Grandad! Grandma & Grandpa invited them over for dinner but didn't tell them that we were there...

I think they were surprised...

and happy to see me.

We played outside bfore dinner...

I tried mooching some booze...

but I was escorted away.

Oh the humility.

After dinner we got to play some more.

I'm glad I got to see them...

and stay up past my bedtime.

Momma & I were going to leave Wednesday morning...

but morning turned into lunchtime because I was having yet another teething fit...

so once I fell asleep, we were off.

Till I woke up and made Momma stop at every rest stop again.

We got ice cream again. Nice and cool on my gums & yummy!

Yet another long drive for Momma thanks to me...what should've taken 3 1/2 to 4 hours took 5 and a half.

But now we're home, and I get some yummy cool cucumbers.

It's good to be home.
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