Gillette bound

We had tickets to the Patriots in stadium practice tonight!!!

My first time there!!! (And we have hot water again after spending ALL day having it installed!)

We got there about 40 minutes before practice started so Momma & Daddy could show me around...

It's huge inside!

We could've gotten seats pretty close to the field...

but since I had my wheels, we sat on the concourse in handicap seating...

There were a lot of little kids and babies, but this girl seemed a little too young to be there...she was TINY!

It was a nice night...

and we could see pretty well from where we were.

At least they weren't nosebleed seats!

I look superimposed here don't I?

The place filled up pretty fast...

as the Pats ran different drills.

I got some frozen lemonade!

Yep, I was a sticky mess!

Bad enough that the bib came out...


It was pretty exciting watching the guys play...


I could get used to going there!
CUUUUUUUTE! Check me out sometime...
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