Kidgit Wannbe

Greeting from the human pretzel!

After my morning stretches...

Momma said we'd go to the local mall!

Besides staying cool, they have a new kids play area we could check out!

This is the new playhouse... of course I have to wait till I'm bigger to play in there...

But there were books to read & beads I could play with!

Momma was afraid to let me sit by myself since it was crowded...

but I convinced her to let me try.

Ok, so now what? Hmmm, how about that blue car over there...

Not bad...

Wonder what kind of milage it gets?

Hi Momma! Can I try the rocket ship next?

Hey, I'm in here! Wait your turn!

How do you get this thing to take off? Hey NASA.........

Hmmm, what's over there?

Oh Momma...

I wanna jump over the moon too!

Ok, I'll sit here instead till I get a bit bigger...

Now I'm getting tired...

Time for a quick nap...

and then a snack!

First time in a public highchair!

Look Ma, no hands!

Ok, now where.....
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