Treeless Thursday

It was a busy morning...

Mass Electric had tree guys out trimming away from the lines, but Momma got mad.

Look at the big hole in our tree now! She wanted the guy to trim branches, not chop whole limbs!

So the police came. Just kidding. He was just doing the traffic detail while they worked.

They were nicer to the other tree at least.

It still lost a lot, but wasn't quite as butchered.

We played with bubbles while we watched them cutting...

and Marty started the fence. See the two colors we were choosing from and the cleaned fence? We picked the darker color...

I like it alot!

Then Momma took me to breakfast, but I fell asleep.

Then Jodi came over...and this was all before 11!

After a nap & a snack, Momma took me back to the play area at the mall.

I got to play with the beads again!

I like these things.

I gotta ask Grandma Barb for the ones she's got...

I also got to ride in the rocket plane again...

Hmmmm, is this the drivers manual?

Why aren't these written in babyese?

I guess I'm not flying today

Oh well, I had fun...

and got another toy!

I'm really rocking now!
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