Santa's Village
This morning was very different than yesterdays.

Instead of hot, hot, hot & sunny, it was cold, damp and foggy.

We headed out early to get to Santa's Village for when it opened,

and headed right over towards the antique cars.

We never got to ride the one's at Storyland because of the lines, but we made up for that today! We rode again & again & again!

Next we went over to the Fire Village to ride the Hot Shots Fire Brigade.

After our fill, we went to the Elfabet University for our stamping cards for the Elfabet game and started finding the 26 elves.

We figured Santa's Express train would help us find more elves plus see the park so we hopped aboard.
It was after 10:30 when we got back to the station, and yet it was still barely only 60 degrees!

The Sugar & Spice bakery smelled good so we stopped in to warm up with a snack.
Little did we know that it would start to rain while we were eating, and not let up...

so we went to the Polar Theater building to see the North Pole Workshop,

then went to the arcade to play some skee ball.

The theater was showing A Tinkerdoodle Christmas, a 3D animated move and live show

that required 3D glasses with actual snow at the end!

Above the theater was a play area

so we spent a good deal of time there hoping the rain would end.

Since it didn't look like it would let up we decided to head out even though we hadn't seen the whole park.

It poured on the ride back while we slept

so Mommy & Daddy drove awhile to let us nap

looking at the foggy mountains

and leaves starting to change color.

There was even a parade in the rain thru Gorham!

It was still raining after lunch

we still had to stay in because of the rain

but we made our own fun

playing with balloons and being goofy.

When it finally cleared, we went to the town airport hoping to see some planes but they must've been hiding because of the rain.

So we went back for a pre-dinner yogurt snack

and hoped for warmer, drier weather.
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