Playground Dwellers

We went back to my favorite park this morning...

of course I test drove the cars first...

and the police rocker...

and visited the house huts

but they aren't as much fun without doors or shutters to open/close....

although I can "garden" in the wood chips...

they're all over the place...

its fun to put them into buckets and baskets...

and the holes in the stairs
Wood chips galore....

of course its fun to climb up the stairs...

holes or no holes...

because up top

there's the spinny wheel

and you can watch everyone else playing...

and then immitate what they do...

like yell into this...


but I know enough to not immitate the big kids who jump over the fence..

however I did take a scooter for a spin around before we left like they did

yet another fun trip

if only it was closer!
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