Saturday: Destination NJ

We took another roadtrip this weekend...

Momma had baby Z's baby shower to go to...

so into the car I went...

and we were off!

Look what Grandma & Grandpa had waiting for me...a HUGE Elmo balloon!!!

Here's a picture of me & Momma with Grandma & Grandpa!

Just me & Grandma & Grandpa...

and me with Momma & Daddy...I kinda look more like Daddy here huh?

Before some of the family came to visit, I got a ride in a wagon...

and then put some of my toys in it...

but it was so hard to steer!

I finally got to meet Mommas great Aunt Reenie...

She's got a little great granddaughter just a bit older than me!

After sitting with her, I made my way around the table...

I sat with JoAnn & Jack...

and tried some celery...

Didn't like it as much as my cucumbers...

Then I needed some quiet time with Mommy...

and took a little nap...

Daddy was jealous so he joined me...

After I woke up, Grandma tried getting me to try some fried chicken...

but I held out for dessert...

That's my handsome face on Momma's birthday cake!

Momma was surprised...

I helped cut the cake...

It was pretty yummy!

Re-energized, Mommas cousin Michael decided that he wanted to play...

he kept making silly faces at me...and Momma.

so Great Grandma rescued me...

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