Museum Patron

Guess who went to the Providence Children's museum today?


Check me out!

Gotta move these rocks!

Not too tasty...

I liked this place...

there were a lot of blocks...

not to tasty either...

but fun to play with.

Then we went into the Littlewoods...

Look a cave and river!

Hey! Thats me!

They had costumes this turtle shell...

Some kind of furry thing...

How about a ladybug?

Blue Jay?

They even had puppets like this owl...

and balls to play with.

They weren't chewy, but still soft & squishy.

So much to do in there...

but time to move on...

This is Estrella, Super Chairwoman...

I liked these...they had different ones...this made everything green

and the funny mirror that gave me really long legs.

This one was really cool, guess which one is the real me?

I liked the lights in here...

There were different scenes through time...

with neat props...

Like this one!

I was too little to climb into the ship...maybe next time

There were other things inside...

but since I was too little for them we headed outside...

Hey, a fountain!


It was another good day!
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