Party Time!

Today was my 3rd Birthday party

complete with family, friends

an edible arrangement

and more food!

I decided to start opening presents

and once I started

I couldn't stop!

Everyone else ate while they watched

as I opened one cool present

after another

after another...especially Rocket!

After that I took a break to play

while Emmy opened a present of her own

before I went to sample my cake.

I couldn't wait to dig in

and everyone seemed to enjoy it.

Shortly after Irene, Marty & Courtney left...Uncle Dan arrived!

We played a few rounds of hide & go seek

took some pictures

then Emmy changed for the game & we showed off all of my new toys.

But the fun wasn't over yet.
After dinner there were more presents to open

like games, books, a cash register and more things for my train table! I loved turning 3!
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