Birthday Boy

It's my birthday today

so I got munchkins as a breakfast treat...

Emilia wore a party dress...

and the dining room was decorated

while we waited

for guests

to arrive.

I checked out some presents

like my work bench

and doll stroller

while everyone ate

or tried to as I ran by

until it was time

to open more presents

and have cake!

I also got a food present of fruit on a stick, in a duck bank!

First I tried a piece of the big cake

then my own little cake

and both were good

so I wasted no time digging in


Cousin Brielle also made cupcakes that had to be sampled...

causing a sugar high

looking to be run off

which was not a problem for some!

Emilia did manage to wake up in time

to see me open more Georges

and a sit n spin

In all, a really great day!

Let's do it again tomorrow!
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