Tonight we all went to Edaville to see the lights!

Boy were there lights...

I could've touched every one...

but that would've taken weeks

there were that many!

Along the walkway were little houses...

each with different scenes

and one with a big Santa!

Just past the houses

even more lights!

Even the rides were lit up

like the AJ Express

which I rode with Daddy

while Emilia napped...

then we waited to board the big train...

which took us

all around the cranberry bog, but too fast to take good pictures....

while Emilia still slept.

Afterwards we went in to see Santa

I wasn't sure about the big figures so I skipped seeing the real thing...

but I did like the scenes around his area

especially the reindeer...

then we stopped for a snack of apple dumplings

and apple crisp...

before walking around the lights again

and stopping at the diner on our way home!

Emilia had a bottle

and I had grilled cheese

and some of Daddys

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