To The Nicest Person We Never Met

We came home to find presents on the porch...and have gotten many wonderful things from friends and family for both of us kids, but the bottom box was especially nice.

It contained 3 for Nicholas...

with a cool car, coloring book & crayons...

which he loved

a nice warm pretty blanket for me

and a bunch of outfits!
What makes it so nice is who sent it. A woman who only knows Moma from when she used to work...they never met, only coresponded through email...yet they became friendly and she even sent a present for Nicholas when he was born. They still write each other letters, but the woman doesn't even have access to a computer right now so who knows if/when she'd even see this. Hopefully one day we'll get to meet her...maybe next summer when we go see the Jersey shore...till then, THANK YOU REBECCA!!!
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