Pre-Spring Fun

We went for a ride since it was nice outside...

I wasn't sure where we were at first...

but Momma & Daddy convinced me to walk along with them...

and as I did...





Down at the end, here were kids and toys!

I pushed around a car...

then took it for a spin...

There were a few others

to choose from...

along with playsets...

like this one with a swing...

and a lookout!

Then there were these...

a helicopter...

and a fishy!

All that playing made me hungry for ice cream!

After ice cream

we went to a park closer to home...

It has swings!

And I love to swing!

The wind in my hair...

the sun in my face...

I could do this all day...

The playground there had neat stuff too...

like these spinners...

and slides...

fun for my bouncy ball!
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