
Momma & I went to storytime at Borders today...

I got a Shrek hat and bookmark...but had to skip the lollipops & animal crackers...

there weren't too many other kids, so I had my choice of the ladies...

if I only knew how to whistle...

Afterwards we went to the malls play area for a little while...

since it wasn't crowded I got to explore some more than before...

but it's hard knowing where you're going when you usually go backwards!

If only I knew how to get up and go on my own...

at least I can read...kind of...

When we got home, we played in my room for awhile...

a change of pace since I usually only sleep there...

Today I kinda match my toy plane...

and it kinda matches my room...

Watch it fly!

I also got to play with Mr Bear and my train...

although Mr Bear doesn't know how to ride the train...

I also got to see my crib from the outside...


better view from inside...

but at least I'm free out here...

Kind of...
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