Read about daily adventures & discoveries through the eyes of growing superstars, Nicholas Alexander and his little sister Emilia Helen!

Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Rainy Day Activities

Today Momma & I stayed inside to avoid the rain and recouperate from the weekend...

that meant no Gymboree or movie...

but then since we stayed home, I could play with all of my toys...

and sleep in since I haven't been sleeping very well these past few days.

That also meant we could make Daddy cookies!

Hmmm...there's oatmeal in these cookies...

How about a little taste?


a little lumpy...

I tried to mash the lumps out.

Now if only I knew how to form cookies...

Like that!

This sure is messy! Hope Daddy likes the cookies!
Monday, August 29, 2005
Playdate With My Cousins

Today we went to my other Grandma's house...

where I got to play with Quinny pup...

and see my cousins!

They're fraternal twins...

Lexy & I played a game of Lucky Ducks...

then some Candyland...

Brielle listened to me play the piano...

and then we all watched her build with duplos before lunch...

Mmmmmmmm, pizza crust.

I gave some to Quincy...

Afterwards we went back to playing...

Tickle tickle!

They don't seem so big when we're sitting down on the floor...

but they're going to be turning 5 when I'll only be going onto 9 months!
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Sunday Shower

Sunday morning was hectic...

Momma & Grandma left for the baby shower & I stayed with Daddy & Grandpa...and Grandma & Grandad came down to visit...

Here's Momma with Momma to be Jill at the shower...

I was glad when she came home...

till I found out that Jill had a date lined up for me at the shower...

Dang, I should've gone...

but all was forgotten with a chicken dance from Elmo.

He's so silly!
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Saturday: Destination NJ

We took another roadtrip this weekend...

Momma had baby Z's baby shower to go to...

so into the car I went...

and we were off!

Look what Grandma & Grandpa had waiting for me...a HUGE Elmo balloon!!!

Here's a picture of me & Momma with Grandma & Grandpa!

Just me & Grandma & Grandpa...

and me with Momma & Daddy...I kinda look more like Daddy here huh?

Before some of the family came to visit, I got a ride in a wagon...

and then put some of my toys in it...

but it was so hard to steer!

I finally got to meet Mommas great Aunt Reenie...

She's got a little great granddaughter just a bit older than me!

After sitting with her, I made my way around the table...

I sat with JoAnn & Jack...

and tried some celery...

Didn't like it as much as my cucumbers...

Then I needed some quiet time with Mommy...

and took a little nap...

Daddy was jealous so he joined me...

After I woke up, Grandma tried getting me to try some fried chicken...

but I held out for dessert...

That's my handsome face on Momma's birthday cake!

Momma was surprised...

I helped cut the cake...

It was pretty yummy!

Re-energized, Mommas cousin Michael decided that he wanted to play...

he kept making silly faces at me...and Momma.

so Great Grandma rescued me...
