Seat Stealer

Since it was supposed to be humid & thundering, Mommas said we'd go to the mall...

So I had to have a snack before we went...

But Josh took over my car seat & wouldn't get out

I told him that he needed to move over...

but he refused

It was funny at first,

but enough's enough!

Once I finally got my seat back, we were good to go!

It looked like it was going to downpour...

But we made it to the car without any problems

Yuck! Who would wear this? There's some scary stuff at the mall...

It was so comfy in the mall, that I slept through most of the trip & the way home...

But I was wide awake once we got home

After some stretching, I practiced sitting up

I'm pretty wobbly, so Momma had the boppy to break my fall

Like this time...

and this...

I'll get the hang of it before we know it!
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