Super Star!

Today was my big day!

Here I am with Momma & Daddys families...cousin Lexie w/Grandma Barbara, cousin Brielle with Uncle Brad (my Godfather), Aunt Jenn (my Godmother), Daddy & Mommy, Grandpa Harry, Grandma Lo & Grandpa Ron

Its not easy being the center of all this attention...yeah right! Now I've changed into something comfy so I can party!

Here I am with my Great Grandma Irene

This is Mommas cousin Michael...I like his beard

JoAnn & Jack have known Momma since she was my age...they're like family :-)

Thats Mommas Aunt Linda & Uncle William...

Even cousin Brielle held me! She wrote me notes too.

I even managed to make it to Jenns sister Stacey before it was cake time.

That's my cake!

Oooooooo, squishy!

Yum! Do I have to share?

Soon it was time to say goodbye to everyone...

I was all tuckered out!
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