Ah, Fresh Air

It was finally nice outside today!

I had to wait till Momma finished a few errands before I could go out

That took FOREVER!

Finally, I could go outside!

OOOooooo...I got to play on the porch

It was fun...

but I wanted to go for a walk

But before we could, I took a nap

When I woke up, we headed out...but stopped next door

We stayed there a long time. I saw Irene, Ashley, Marty & Dan...and fell asleep before Chris came. Then Momma brought me home.

It was almost time for Daddy to come home but when I woke up, we took a quick walk...where we saw Peter & Claudia!

Then I fell alseep so Momma took me home just as Daddy arrived.

Fresh air does it to me every time!
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