April's Silly Boy

It's April Fools Day...we were trying to think of a trick to post, but besides dressing me up in girlie clothes & saying woops, I'm not a boy, we couldn't think of anything. So, here are some silly pictures of me sleeping instead

If you thought I do silly things in my boppy, wait till you see me lounge on Mommy & Daddys bed!

I spread my arms as if I could fly...

Sometimes I ride my imaginary bicycle

The fist of fury also makes appearances

Still, my naps that start when I'm in my boppy are pretty funny

Sometimes I even fall asleep with a bib on

I expose my tummy as I reach for the sky

NOOOOO, I don't want to wake up!

Do I HAVE to?

Oh all right

OOOooo....I like to stretch!

I could stretch all day...oh wait, then I couldn't eat...or play...

Ok, ok, I'll stop

Hee hee

Sometimes I put on a little song and dance number...

And sometimes I think I'm a comedian

I do know that all I have to do is bat my baby blues...

and you're under my spell!
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