Read about daily adventures & discoveries through the eyes of growing superstars, Nicholas Alexander and his little sister Emilia Helen!

Sunday, September 30, 2007
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Party Girl

Today was my big birthday party...

the dining room was all decorated,

I got a pretty throne to sit upon,

fancy fruit on a stick to eat,

friends & family to see,

and a buffet of food to munch on!

How could it get better than that?

Then I discovered some presents like this snazzy stroller for my babies

a cool rocking lady bug,

and a Red Sox bear made just for me!

Everyone had some party cake

while I dug into one of my very own.

After a nap I changed into another party outfit

and we went outside

where I was chaufered around

before dinner, opening more presents

followed by more cake, ice cream

and one messy face!
Friday, September 28, 2007
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Birthday Girl

Today was my actual Birthday...

and Mommy tired to get me to sit for a picture

of me holding a picture of myself

holding a picture of myself, holding a picture of myself! Hard to follow huh! (Birth, 6 months, 9 months & a year shots)

After dinner I got to open some more presents, like a computer,

my own pink LP bus, a phone

and a braclet!

Of course no birthday would be complete without more cupcakes! Happy Birthday indeed!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Birthday Party Playdate

My Birthday playdate began with a bling-bling treasure hunt

then a dip in the little pool

since it was so hot.

Then I opened presents

to pass time before lunch arrived.

I got a lot of cool stuff!

We all sat in the shade

and stuffed ourselves with pizza, chicken tenders & mozzarella sticks.

To follow my party theme we all did a bit of dressing up

with hats, tiaras and boas

in hot pinks & purples.

Like a tea party with attitude

hosted by the Birthday Diva!

We may not have had tea, but we did have cupcakes

and ice cream sundaes...

and I discovered that candles make pretty good cupcake spears.

After the sugar rush we all played for awhile

doing different things

before heading our seperate ways.

What a great party!