Read about daily adventures & discoveries through the eyes of growing superstars, Nicholas Alexander and his little sister Emilia Helen!

Friday, August 31, 2007
Thursday, August 30, 2007

Austin, Taylor & Morgan came over today...

we played in the little pool;

they got really wet,

the boys had a lawn mower race

then they stuffed their faces

and had a messy

pizza pie eating contest.

No one won,

we weren't keeping score.

Then while I went inside to nap, they decorated cookies

shaped like flowers and cars

with icing and different candies. Yum!

They played for awhile longer

then got cleaned up for their rides home, looking like supermodels!

And yes, I did get to have a cookie too! We decorated some more after dinner :-)
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
I Zoo, Do You?
No we didn't get new neighbors,

we went to the Roger Williams Zoo!
Besides elephants we saw

adult & baby giraffes,


and some salad eating turtles!

We wandered around the whole zoo

and saw all kinds of animals

and interesting things like big gorilla hands!

Afterwards we went to ride the carousal

It was Ems first ride on a carousal

so since it was just us with Mommy, we all sat together instead of on horses.

We had a juice break in the wagon as we went around the playground,

rode some more rides

then passed out on the car ride home!
Monday, August 27, 2007
Duck, Duck, Goose!

What's more fun

then hanging out with Emmy?

Hanging out with her & the ducks!

We brought bread to feed them

and while Em wasn't to sure about feeding them

I jumped right in

and was brave enough

to feed them one on one!

She eventually tossed bread out

while I kept feeding the ducks & geese

and having a great time,

even chasing more down in order to feed them!

After we got our fill of ducks we went to run around the park

and have a snack ourselves.

Yet another fun filled day!