Read about daily adventures & discoveries through the eyes of growing superstars, Nicholas Alexander and his little sister Emilia Helen!

Saturday, April 30, 2005
Friday, April 29, 2005
Thursday, April 28, 2005
A reason to celebrate

Happy, happy, happy birthday to me again! It's Thursday, so that means I'm a week older! We also got the laptop back today! Thanks to Gil @ the PC store!

Ok, so now what?

I need another balloon for in here...this Valentine's Day one is too floopy...

Instead, I got to see the tulips coming up out front

OOoooooooo, pretty

I wanna hold it

It's stuck!

Doh, so's this one

Oh well, they're nice to look at anyway
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
The pianist

Today I spent a lot of time in the car cuz we had to take Josh in to have a lump removed. But when I had a chance, I played a concert on my two pianos for Momma

Any requests?

This is Josh...he now has a big boo boo on his head, but he won't sit still long enough for Momma to take a picture of it

You can kind of see it here...they had to shave a big spot on his head

Tonight my gums felt like I had a boo boo. Thank goodness for these cool beads I got from Pam!